Europe Running

 European Run

Barcelona Spain

Barcelona harbor and beach run Oct 31, 2023

Mallorca runs;

1st Beach Run
Board Walk Run

Warp speed effect, real time at end of video

My last beach run on Mallorca did 4 miles (been doing only 3).
One reason for that I get a ways from the hotel so ran further to get closer, cut down my after run walk.
When I travel I never get lost, I just spend time exploring new areas before I find my way back.
Found some uneven pavement (that I did not see) and fell, sprawled on the ground (only one person saw it, if no one saw it, it is like a ski fall, if no one saw it, it didn't happen).  I did not even get a scrap, I was surprised, did tear a small hole in my shoe but they are beyond their end of life.  I normally only put 500 miles on a pair of running shoes and they are beyond that, I brought them on the trip because of that, if I want to leave them in Rio I will not feel bad.

Second stay in Barcelona
Harbor Run
Back on the Beach in Barcelona for my last run in Barcelona
Oct 9, 2023
Sand sculptor on my run

Next runs will be at sea on the Costa Cruise Ship


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